Albert Einstein said the definition of
insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again, and
expecting different results.” We've all heard this before, so why
do some people keep doing this at the gym?
Why do some people go to the gym, do
the same boring cardio, maybe a few weights, and then complain that
they don't see the results they want? I know that some exercise is
better than no exercise, but if you want to see results, you have to
change things up! Keep shocking your body.
Keeping workouts the same for long
periods of time will put yours body into a training plateau. You'll
stop seeing results in your workout. This happens in strength
training, cardiovascular training, and in weight loss. Keep in mind,
how you prevent these plateaus, will depends on what your goals are.
For strength training, there are
various ways to keep your body from reaching a plateau. You can
change the order you do the exercises in, the speed at which you do
each repetition, the weight and the number of repetitions and sets
you complete.
For cardiovascular training, working in
intervals will help. Stay away from steady state training daily,
your body will get used to it quickly. Interval training means to
change the intensity every few minutes. Sudden bursts of intensity,
followed by short periods of rest. This is also helpful in strength
training and can be done with any exercise.
These are a few ways to keep your
workouts fresh. If you continue to keep your body guessing, you'll
continue to see results.